You can turn to Bark King for your erosion and sediment control needs in greater Seattle & Eastside!

Erosion Control Installation – Greater Eastside Blower Truck Service
Highly Skilled & Experienced Installers
Our highly skilled and experienced erosion control installers are adept at working in all types of conditions. Our Blower Truck Installation allows us to apply material precisely according to site specifications.
The Lowest Impact on Environment
With nothing other than the footprints of an operator and his assistant, our installation teams offer the lowest possible impact on the environment within which they work.
This standard to apply material with as little disturbance to the surroundings as possible qualifies Bark King’s installation method to comply with increasingly preferred LID requirements.
Turn to Bark King for your Erosion & Sediment Control
You can turn to Bark King for your erosion and sediment control needs! Our methods are highly effective at minimizing the footprint construction can leave on the geography. Precise application by Bark King’s certified and expert blower truck installers ensures that your project is completed with minimal impact to your worksite and the surrounding area.

The Bark King Advantage: Minimizing Our Footprint
Erosion prevention and sediment control have developed into an increasing percentage of the installations that Bark King performs each year. This is a direct result of increasing demand that has been placed on builders and developers to comply with new, more restrictive laws designed to protect our waterways.
Our Erosion prevention & Sediment Control BNP’s are All 100% Organic!
Keeping in line with all the products that Bark King installs, our erosion prevention and sediment control BNP’s are all 100% organic! More specifically, they each utilize the many components of compost that make it highly effective both in reducing erosion, and in controlling and filtering sediment. Bark King works conscientiously to apply material with as little disturbance to the surroundings as possible. This allows Bark King, proudly, to note that our blower truck installation method puts us in compliance with increasingly preferred LID ( Low Impact Development) requirements.
Tightening Federal Regulations…Bark King Can Help

Erosion is a naturally occurring process, however, it is often aggravated by activities such as road building in new construction. At the beginning of some construction projects all vegetation and topsoil is removed. This leaves the subsoil vulnerable to the forces of extensive erosion. We do things the right way to make sure your property is in check with the law and you are happy with your end results.
Erosion control is an essential component for most construction sites today. Increasing EPA regulations require that erosion and sediment control be put in place for all construction projects that disturb more than 1 acre of land.
These regulations apply to both public and private construction projects. At Bark King, we strive to mimic the natural, undisturbed soil conditions and return sites to as close to pre-construction conditions as possible.
Increasing regulations by the EPA require contractors to have the capabilities to tackle the toughest issues any time-sensitive manner.
Serving The Greater Eastside

If you’re looking for erosion control installation service on the Eastside or reach out to Bark King Blower Truck Services today!
Call us today!
Let's plan your next project
Our office staff is exceptionally knowledgeable and experienced. We work tirelessly to ensure that the experience our clients have is positive! Understanding client's needs allows us to provide assistance in selecting the appropriate material. We schedule jobs in a manner that ensures the entire process goes smooth and deadlines are met. We understand the unique requirements of individual job sites!